Effects of fermentation on the proximate, anti-nutrients, minerals, fatty acids, and amino acids profiles of jujube (Ziziphus mauritiana Lam) seeds

AROC in Food and Nutrition, 2021, 1(1), 31-40


Background: Fermentation has been recognized as one of the oldest ways of food processing that increase food quality by increasing nutrient bio-availability through the reduction in anti-nutrient compositions. The present study evaluated the effects of fermentation on nutrients and anti-nutrients composition of jujube (Ziziphus mauritiana Lam) seed. Methods: The seed of Z. mauritiana was fermented for 24 hr. Standard analytical procedures were used to analyse the proximate, minerals, amino acid, fatty acid and anti-nutrient compositions of the seed sample at 0, 6, 12, 18 and 24 hr of fermentation. Results: The seed has high amounts of proteins, minerals, amino acids and low levels of anti-nutrients. The seed also has higher unsaturated than saturated fatty acids. Fermentation significantly increased the minerals compositions, decreases anti-nutrients and some amino acid levels but had no plausible effects (p>0.05) on proximate contents of the seed. Fermentation for 6 and 12 hr had no significant (p <0.05) effect on the fatty acids, however, at 18 and 24 hr a significant (p<0.05) reduction in fatty acid were recorded. On the basis of nutrient retention, the most plausible and positive effects of the fermentation on Z. mauritiana were observed at ≤ 12 of fermentation. Conclusion: Ziziphus mauritiana seed could be employed as an alternative source of nutrients for humans and animals. However, fermentation of Z. mauritiana should be done for a period of ≤ 12 hr if necessary.

Corresponding Author(s)

Rhamatallah Adenike Alawode; [email protected]


Alawode, A.R., Ndamitso, M.M., Iyaka, A.Y., and Anuonye, C.J., (2021). Effects of fermentation on the proximate, anti-nutrients, minerals, fatty acids, and amino acids profiles of jujube (Ziziphus mauritiana Lam) seeds. AROC in Food and Nutrition, 1(1), 31-40, https://doi.org/10.53858/arocfn01013140

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