Reviewers Guide

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Thank you for accepting to review this article, we value your time so much. A final decision on this manuscript will be taken by the Editor.

  1. Please summarize the main findings of the study.
  2. Please highlight the limitations and strengths.
  3. Please comment on the methods, results and data interpretation. If there are any objective errors, or if the conclusions are not supported, you should detail your concerns.
  4. Is the English language of sufficient quality?- Yes/No
    Is the quality of the figures and tables satisfactory? Yes/No
    Does the reference list cover the relevant literature adequately and in an unbiased manner?
    Are the statistical methods valid and correctly applied? (e.g. sample size, choice of test) Yes/No
    Are the methods sufficiently documented to allow replication studies? Yes/No
    Are the data underlying the study available in either the article, supplement, or deposited in a repository? (Sequence/expression data, protein/molecule characterizations, annotations, and taxonomy data are required to be deposited in public repositories prior to publication) Yes/No
    Does the study adhere to ethical standards including ethics committee approval and consent procedure? Yes/No/ Not Applicable
    Have standard biosecurity and institutional safety procedures been adhered to? Yes/No/ Not Applicable
  5. Please provide your detailed review report to the editor and authors (including any comments on the Q4 Check List):
  6. QUALITY ASSESSMENT: Please provide the detailed quality assessment of this article according to the following:
  • Originality
  • Rigor
  • Significance to the field
  • Interest to a general audience
  • Quality of the writing
  • Overall quality of the study

Recommendation for the Editor:  Please select the following and you can also provide additional thought to the editor only

  • The manuscript can be accepted in its current form
  • The manuscript is not recommended for publication
  • The manuscript needs major revision
  • The manuscript needs minor revision

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