Call for Graphical Abstract Contest

AFRICAN RESEARCH OPINION COMMUNICATIONS (AROC) hereby announce the 1ST batch of 2021 graphical abstract context. A graphical abstract is a simple, self-explanatory figure that explicates the main research findings in a pictographic form. It represents the important findings of a research or review paper in a concise form, which helps the readers to understand the main message at a single glance.
Five contest winners will be selected from each African participating higher institution
First Winner: 50 USD + free publication of the article in any of the AROC journals.
Second Winner: 20 USD + free publication of the article in any of the AROC journals.
Third Winner: Free publication of the article in any of the AROC journals.
Fourth Winner: 50% waiver of APC of the article in any of the AROC Journal.
Fifth Winner: 25% waiver of APC of the article in any of the AROC Journal.

Entries will be judged based on scientific content, effectiveness in conveying a meaningful message, and visual appeal.
Students from any accredited higher institution in Africa
Lecturers from any accredited higher institution in Africa
Researchers from any accredited higher institution in Africa
Technologists from any accredited higher institution in Africa
Criteria for the graphical abstract:
A graphical abstract must be in pictorial form clear, unique, simple, and self-explanatory.
Must highlight novel findings of the research
Must be different from the diagrams/figures illustrated in the main thesis/article
Must not include data items,
Submission Instruction
Submit your graphical abstract via the online submission link below
Submission deadline: 31 July 2021
Evaluation Periods: 1st – 7th, 2021
Announcement of the results: Winners will be notified no later than July 15, 2021.
Kind regards,
Managing Editor
African Research Opinion Communication (AROC)

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Call for Graphical Abstract Contest

Design a graphical abstract and stand a chance to win $500

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