Phytochemical compositions, antimicrobial activities, and thin layer chromatography analysis of aqueous, and methanol extracts of Tectona grandis leaf
AROC in Natural Product Research, 2021, 01(01), 044–051
- Author(s): Hadiza Muhammed, Lare H. Abdullahi, Fatima G. Mayaki, Usman H. Boko
- June 29, 2021
- Keywords - Tectona grandis; phytochemical; thin layer chromatography; antimicrobial
Background: Teak (Tectona grandis) from the family Verbenaceae/Lamiaceae is indigenous to India, other tropical countries, and one of the naturally discovered plants to be known by scientists due to its high potential and effectiveness in disease preventive and curative action. The present study evaluated the phytochemical composition, anti-microbial activity of methanol and aqueous extract of Tectona grandis leaf, and characterized the extracts using thin-layer chromatography (TLC). Methods: The phytochemical, anti-microbial activity thin layer chromatography (TLC) analysis was conducted using established protocols. Results: The results revealed that the methanol extract of teak plant leaves contains steroids, tannins, saponin, coumarin, protein, carbohydrates, alkaloids, diterpenes, phytosterol, phlobatannin while the aqueous extract contains tannins, saponin, coumarin, protein, carbohydrate, alkaloid, diterpenes, phytosterol, and phlobatannins. The methanol extract of Tectona grandis showed the highest activity on S. epidermasis (14mm) and against S.aureus (10mm) at a concentration of 40mg/ml followed by the activities of aqueous extract of teak plant leaf against Candida Albicans (8mm) at a concentration of 40mg/ml. The extract had no inhibitory effect at all other concentrations. Conclusion: The result confirmed that Tectona grandis contain several bioactive phytochemicals that can be explored for the treatment of pathogenic microorganism.
Corresponding Author(s)
Hadiza Muhammed, Department of Biochemistry, Faculty of Natural Science, Ibrahim Badamasi Babangida University Lapai, P.M.B. 11 Lapai, Niger State, Nigeria; [email protected]
Muhammed, H., Abdullahi, L.H., Mayaki, F.G., and Boko, U.H. (2021). Phytochemical compositions, antimicrobial activities, and thin layer chromatography analysis of aqueous, and methanol extracts of Tectona grandis leaf. AROC in Natural Product Research, 01(01); 044–051